Everyone is saying that Artificial Intelligence is the future. It does have the potential to transform and redesign the networks, but everything has two sides. Since the networks are existing across all industries, how AI can help manage and secure the networks? The purpose of my research is to find out what are the benefits and risks of Artificial Intelligence in networking and help users to have a better understanding of AI. Also, it can help IT professionals to be prepared and avoid the AI related risks in the future.
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The search process involves searching the internet for peer-reviewed articles that discuss artificial intelligence and its relation to networks. The information is also retrieved from credible websites that are published by the government and other science based research institutions. Books have also been used to search for the topic. The keywords used in the search are artificial intelligence and networking. The research revolves around these words. Some of the libraries used in the research are International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, and Journal of Librarianship and Information Science among them.
Annotated Bibliography
Abbas, N., Nasser, Y., & El Ahmad, K. (2015). Recent advances in artificial intelligence and learning techniques in cognitive radio networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 7(1), 174
The recent advancements in artificial intelligence and learning techniques are believed to take the world into a new era because in the long run robots and various AI machines will be working alongside humans in the performance of various business and social activities. AI machines can be used for various speech recognition and language learning techniques in various social networks. However, a lot still needs to be done in order to ensure that AI can achieve the next level. The use of AI on social media will need technological advancements such as the AI based image recognition.
Several social media platforms are using AI technology to help in the enhancement of deep learning capabilities. These include social media giants like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Further research shows that the use of AI machines will help in boosting the innovation in various business fields because AI is quickly changing the manner in which social big data is used in various fields. This change has led to the experimenting and investment into complex AI machines, new business startups, and various giant technology companies. Through this initiative, these business startups can be in a position to boost the efficiency of their products and services.
Bartneck, C., Lyons, M. J., & Saerbeck, M. (2017). The relationship between emotion models and artificial intelligence. Cornell University Library. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/1706.09554.

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The article explores the relationship between emotional models, as well as the development and implementation of the artificial intelligence. Based on the article, emotions play a critical role in human interaction and human-computer interactions. Emotions can as well influence artificial intelligence, which is based on human interaction. According to the article, the authors suggests that the development process of the artificial intelligence involves the development of computational methods for expressions and processing of emotions. Most importantly, the article emphasizes the friendly interface that will help to understand the users’ intentions. Briefly, the article discusses the relation between emotions and artificial intelligence for the purpose of building organizational networks.
This article is instrumental in the understanding of artificial intelligence and networking in organizations. The basis of artificial intelligence is human interaction, and thus, this article will help in understanding the concept of artificial intelligence. Besides, it is clear that the article provides an insight into the value of emotional processing and expressions in artificial intelligence. Since the development of artificial intelligence focuses on cognition, much information provided in this article would be needed for creating a network of information to assist in development of useful applications. Thus, the emotional processing involved in the development of advanced artificial intelligence models, as discussed in the article, will help in the development of networks for various organizations.
Bostrom, N., & Yudkowsky, E. (2014). The Cambridge Handbook of Artificial Intelligence. In R. William, & F. Keith (eds.), The ethics of artificial intelligence (pp. 316-334). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
The article places an emphasis on the necessity of adhering to the principles of ethics in the research and development of artificial intelligence. There have been numerous issues in the process of development of artificial intelligence, which are associated with various ethical concerns. These concerns are evidenced in process of establishing networks in numerous organizations, as various methods of breaches may compromise the integrity and availability of data and information. The authors emphasize the need to develop ethical model to help in handling these issues. The article states that ethics principles, which do not harm the users, should be used for their benefit . Most importantly, the article demonstrates that AI should not be construed as self-aware entity.
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The article is important when it comes to establishing the difference between AI and self-awareness because it provides valuable information that clarifies the difference between these terms. On the other hand, the article emphasizes the ethical issues in relation to the AI. Discussion of ethical issues is important to ensure that artificial intelligence works in a safe environment protecting both the users and the organization. The approaches to security emphasized in the article will help in protecting the networks build using artificial intelligence.
Bahrammirzaee, A. (2010). A comparative survey of artificial intelligence applications in finance: artificial neural networks, expert system and hybrid intelligent systems. Neural Computing and Applications, 19(8), 1165-1195.
The article provides information on the application of artificial intelligence in finance. It provides the review of artificial neural networks, expert systems, and hybrid intelligence. According to the article, the artificial intelligence has been beneficial in the sector of business financing since it helps in creating a network whereby an organization is able to communicate with its stakeholders using human interaction approach. AI also has been used in finance to determine trends in borrowing and make proper decisions, as well as to establish connections between the business and its stakeholders. Most importantly, AI has been instrumental in connecting finance department with other organizational department, such as Human Resource Management.
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This article provides specifics on the application of AI in finance sector as an example of real life application of this approach. The technology has ensured that business is managed in the most effective way. Establishing a network between different departments in an organization makes artificial intelligence important in the business sphere. This source provides an understanding of the importance of AI application in the finance sector. Therefore, it helps in establishing important types of application AI can provide to the business.
Castelluccio, M. (2017). Artificial intelligence in business. Strategic Finance, 98(10), 55.
Artificial intelligence has been used in business sector in several ways. The article provides the areas in business that have been transformed by artificial intelligence as well as the areas that require this technology for improvement in effectiveness. One of the applications of artificial intelligence is finance in is prediction of trends on the market. The article also states that better interconnections between different departments can be achieved as a result of using artificial intelligence.
This article is important in the study since it provides cogent arguments for the importance of AI in business sphere and in the creating of networks between different departments. It helps in the understanding of the application of AI and the way that it can help in changing the future of the field. Although the article does not provide ethical considerations essential in dealing with AI, it provides sufficient amount of facts that an individual may want to know about this concept.
Dilsizian, S. E., & Siegel, E. L. (2014). Artificial intelligence in medicine and cardiac imaging: harnessing big data and advanced computing to provide personalized medical diagnosis and treatment. Current cardiology reports, 16(1), 441.
The article provides specifics on the roles that AI could play in medicine in relation to cardiac imaging. Artificial intelligence has been used in diagnosis and treatment of several chronic diseases. The connection between the symptoms and disease have been linked together to identify the necessary treatment for different conditions. AI has also been useful in creation of electronic health records to make patient data more accessible and secure. Most importantly, the article considerable amount of data on diagnosis therapy errors that may affect the functionality of AI, and, thus, care should be taken when implementing this approach.
This article is important for the research project since it will help in studying the relationships that exist between diagnosis and symptoms of various diseases. The interconnection between the medication and symptoms is a functionality of AI that should be perceived with keen interest. On the other hand, ensuring security and availability of medical records is instrumental in this study. Therefore, the article is important.
Lu, H., Li, Y., Chen, M., Kim, H., & Serikawa, S. (2018). Brain intelligence: go beyond artificial intelligence. Mobile Networks and Applications, 23(2), 368-375.
AI has been one of the contributing factors that support the day to day human and economic activities. AI machines have played a significant role in solving many social and economic problems, but they still face many limitations. The use of AI in social networks needs to be extended beyond its current application to boost various business activities, such as marketing, customer service and advertising. This can only be made possible by introducing better intelligence models, such as the proposed the company Brain Intelligence. The brain intelligence model will go beyond AI’s current use and will help in the generation of new ideas without having to experience them by using an imagine function.
The introduction of Brain intelligence models completely changes and shapes the manner of conducting various business and human activities because Brain intelligence machines will help to address the limitations that characterize current AI technology. However, the development of BI models is not an easy endeavor as it entails some characteristics of artificial life and artificial intelligence. The ongoing use of AI machines has illustrated numerous benefits, and an enhancement in this field will take the world to the next level in terms of social networking because improved business models will be invented as a result of newly generated business ideas.
Gill, K. S. (2016). Artificial super intelligence: beyond rhetoric. Springer Link. Retrieved from https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00146-016-0651-x
This article by Gill K.S. raises a lot of questions about the use of artificial intelligence. AI machines are currently applied to perform the tasks previously considered exclusively human. The author seeks to establish the crises and shocks that will ensue after the use of AI machines, as well as possible approaches to manage such crises if any. He also seeks to establish the impact of AI on the economy, employment, workplaces, governance, and their current state of development. According to Gill, the use of AI should also be monitored and controlled, but this seems to be a daunting task taking into consideration the current level of development of AI systems.
The rapid advancements in development of AI machines seem to induce a new level of unrest in the society, which can be evidenced by the societal concerns raised in the summary above. The expected future applications of AI will almost inevitably mean that humans will lose more and more jobs since AI systems will be performing a great amount of the work now performed by humans. The question here is whether AI machines will be in charge of dictating what humans should and should not do. If an AI machine can get involved in the democratic choices that humans make, what else could these machines do that is yet to be established? The adoption and implementation of AI machines should be done with caution in order to ensure that there is balance in the various aspects that characterize human activity.
Osoba, O. A., & Welser IV, W. (2017). The Risks of Artificial Intelligence to Security and the Future of Work. RAND Corporation. Retrieved from https://www.rand.org/pubs/perspectives/PE237.html
The introduction of artificial intelligence systems has significantly improved decision making in various fields. However, the use of AI machines has also led to exclusion of human workforce from some critical fields, such as security. There are many blind spots in various criminal justice systems as a result of using AI. The introduction of AI in national and domestic security procedures has also been a major concern. Some scholars argue that AI exposes human privacy, whereas others believe that AI is necessary to ensure the security of the nation. AI systems also preclude human involvement in this field, thus inevitably leading to the possibility of leaking of private information. AI machines are supposed to work under controlled algorithms even when dealing with security concerns to uphold the privacy of information.
The use of artificial intelligence has created a huge impact on the manner of communication and also boosted the efficiency in various fields. However, it is important to remember that AI systems engage in various human activities and, therefore, reduce the manpower needed in particular positions. The social media networks are run by humans, but currently the chances of this type of work being performed by AI is high due to continuous improvement and innovation. There are fears that AI systems will eventually outsmart humans and then start ignoring human commands in favor of their judgment. This concern could manifest in AI breaking the law and working in a manner currently deemed to be inappropriate.
Papadimitriou, A. (2016). The Future of Communication: Artificial Intelligence and Social Networks. Malm? University Electronic Publishing. Retrieved from http://hdl.handle.net/2043/21302
The rapid advancements in technology and social media in the modern world have significantly improved the various channels of human communication. This scholarly article by Papadimitriou focuses on the significance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its benefits in the processing of collected data via various social network platforms. The author also looks at the latest innovations of Artificial intelligence and its impact on personhood and the entire society. Even though there are all sorts of complex artificial intelligence systems, the article clearly establishes that there is ongoing research to develop a more sophisticated artificial intelligence system.
The future of communication still holds a lot in store as many efforts are still in place despite the current advancements in use of information technology systems. The article by Papadimitriou is a clear indication that AI promises continuous improvements in communication technologies and social network platforms. However, it is also important to note that AI has its own disadvantages and, therefore, measures should be in place to ensure that AI does not lead to destruction but rather serves its rightful purpose. The use of social networks in advertising, marketing, and customer service has also experienced a major boost since the introduction of AI into this field. Many companies have experienced immense growth as a result of marketing their products via various social networks and as such companies that have not had active social media networks should engage their marketing departments in this activity.
Jean, N., Xie, M., & Ermon, S. (2016). Semi-supervised deep kernel learning: Regression with Unlabeled Data by Minimizing Predictive Variance. Cornell University Library. Retrieved from https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.10407
AI is a semi-supervised learning system. The article describes the platform on which AI is made as well as its functionality in different fields. AI is structured in such a way that it can be able to create neurolinks within all components of a business. The article describes the theoretical foundations behind the networks created by AI.
Understanding the concept of the development of AI is necessary in this research. Before one can understand the neurolinks created by AI, it is important to understand the theoretical aspects behind this technology so that other associated concepts can be easy to understand. Therefore, the article is necessary in the study.
Roll, I., & Wylie, R. (2016). Evolution and revolution in artificial intelligence in education. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(2), 582-599.
The article is concerned with evaluation of artificial intelligence in the field of education. Over the past decade, AI has been used in education in various ways. The article uses various scenarios to describe the innovations that have been introduced by AI. Briefly, the article predicts that AI will be embraced in numerous fields in the coming years.
Education is one of the most important fields that currently implement AI in its operations. This article describes the types of impact the technology can provide in terms of connectivity in the education field. This article is instrumental in understanding how AI changed education field. Thus, it is needed in this research.
Shrivastava, R., & Mahajan, P. (2016), Influence of social networking sites on scholarly communication: A study using literature in Artificial Intelligence. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.1177/0961000616678309
The author of this article states clearly that social networks need artificial intelligence if they should survive in e-business because AI machines have played a big role in improving communication channels hence making them inevitable in running various business activities. Artificial intelligence can be used in the collection and processing of data to enhance social communication. AI has also made possible for various scholars to bookmark their research pieces on various scholarly platforms hence enabling the exchange of information with other scholars.
The rapid evolution of social networks such as Facebook, Linked In and other social platforms has greatly improved scholarly communication because such social platforms make it possible for people to share their ideas through the exchange of information. However, scholars should take note of the fact that AI does not guarantee the privacy of information, and, therefore, they should encrypt information that they think is important before users can get access to it. The developers of AI machines should come up with algorithms that guarantee privacy even when information is uploaded on the internet. This will ensure that the distortion of information on various scholarly journals is prevented.
Shukla Shubhendu, S., & Vijay, J. (2013). Applicability of Artificial Intelligence in Different Fields of Life. International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research, 1(1), 28-35.
The application of Artificial intelligence is vast as it serves many different purposes in various fields. Scholarly research shows that the continuous involvement of AI machines could completely replace human activities in the near future. This will, therefore, mean that humans will be left with nothing to do but sit back and let robots do their work. According to the author of this article, it is ideal to have an economy that runs under the control of algorithms since it will produce the best results in any area of application. However, if AI is put into application in the healthcare, education and manufacturing sector, this will mean that humans will be deprived of jobs.
The introduction and implementation of AI systems are quite necessary to ensure improved efficiency and production in various workplaces. However, care should be taken to ensure that the implementation of AI does not render people jobless. If an organization should use any AI system, it should use a machine that can handle tasks that seem hard for humans to handle. Through this approach, mass unemployment will be avoided.
Kose, U., & Arslan, A. (2015), E-learning experience with artificial intelligence supported software: An international application on English language courses. Glokalde, 1(3)
The adoption of artificial intelligence in the acquisition of knowledge is also one of the major milestones that characterize the use of AI. As discussed earlier in this paper, AI machines help in the processing of data that is collected via various social media platforms, thus making it possible for various scholars to exchange information on social networks through video tutorials, e-books, and various virtual learning techniques. Scholarly research has also shown that over the years social networks have been instrumental in popularization and dissemination of various scholarly journals.
The use of AI has established a blueprint for use in the E-learning platforms. There is a considerable number of AI systems in place that facilitate learning from the comfort of one’s house or at school. It is, therefore, evident that social media networks are not only facilitating social and business activities but also improving the learning process. There are AI systems in place that can be used to surf the internet and help in tutoring pupils, students, and adults. The future in AI is still bright and holds a lot in store, but care has to be taken to avoid overreliance on it in some social, business and economic activities.