Writing an Essay: Some General Recommendations
Writing a perfect academic paper is a long and enduring process. You think that you know everything about academic essay writing, but in reality, you must follow a whole array of rules and conventions to earn the highest grade. No one is born with a talent for writing. This is why it is better to follow the recommendations provided in our extended essay guide.
How to Start
One of the principal things to consider when writing a paper is the research problem or question being asked. Otherwise, you will not be able to do appropriate research and incorporate it into your paper. No matter how great a paper you can write, it is still imperative that it meets the initial requirements and answers the question asked by your tutor.
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Sometimes, you will be free to select a topic. Some other times, your teacher will give you a topic or question for research. In either case, you will need to take some time to understand the meaning of the topic, identify the most important keywords, and use them to explore and analyze relevant literature. In our essay writing online guide, you will find the information and recommendations you need to do perfect research.
While working on your paper and refining the argument, you will have to get back to the original question or instructions and see if you are moving in the right direction. At the same time, even when you are free to choose the topic or question, you will have to be very critical of the quality and credibility of resources you choose to use in your project. Be ready to use rich evidence to support your claims and deliver a compelling answer to the original research question.
Research Topic Writing Guide
Now that you have understood the topic and have decided how you will explore it, you will also need to remember about plagiarism. This seems to be the most serious issue facing students in academic writing. You will have to be very careful with every word and sentence to write for your paper. Ideally, your paper should be a combination of your original thoughts and credible evidence. A perfect academic paper will provide a new perspective on the problem of your choice, with evidence used to support your claims.
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How to Plan a Paper
Review the issue you plan to research in your paper, as well as the keywords you have identified. Then see how much credible evidence you have to support your findings and claims. If you have been through following the recommendations in our essay writing online guide, then you will not have any issues doing perfect research and translating it into a comprehensive paper.
Here it is better to make an outline or a plan for your academic paper. That is, you will outline the key pieces of your argument, step by step, and include references to the sources or evidence you plan to incorporate to support your assumptions. You will look at your plan and restructure it to make sure that the argument is logical and persuasive. It must flow naturally from the introduction to the conclusion. With the help of a plan, you will avoid gaps in research. You will be in a better position to earn the highest grade if you create an outline for your paper.
Academic Essay Writing
Here you can follow two different paths. Based on our extended essay guide, you may opt for writing the main body of your paper and then create an introduction and a conclusion, or you may choose to begin with an introduction and a thesis statement, followed by a body of the paper and a conclusion.
Writing an Introduction
No matter which of the two writing methods you choose, you will have to be very careful with your introduction. After all, this is the first thing your reader will see when dealing with your paper. Unfortunately, many students do not pay enough attention to the information they provide in the introduction. We in our writing online guide insist that the introduction is one of the critical components of a well-designed academic paper. This is why it is so important to include relevant background information, justify the relevance of the topic, and include a strong thesis statement as the backbone for your argument. At the same time, your introduction must be brief and concise. Include only vital information, so that your readers do not get bored.
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Essay Body
According to our essay writing online guide, the body of your academic paper must incorporate a few paragraphs, each devoted to a single point. Each paragraph should be written according to the initial outline you have developed for your paper. Of course, you may have questions regarding the length and extensiveness of each paragraph. The best thing you can do is designing a paper with a few paragraphs, each including five-six sentences.
Begin each paragraph with a hook and end it with a transitional sentence. That is, your paragraphs should create smooth transitions from one part of the argument to another. This way, your readers will not need to run back and forth trying to understand the main idea behind your words. Every time you start a new paragraph, you will discuss a single idea that relates to your argument or topic, leading the reader logically toward a conclusion.
Here you can choose any of the academic writing patterns noted below:
- Elaborative writing is when you expand on the key point made in the thesis statement;
- Sequential writing is when you simply preserve the sequence of all events in your story;
- Compare and contrast writing is when you make comparisons, one per paragraph.
Essay Writing Online Guide for Writing a Conclusion
Your conclusion will sum up the key aspects of your argument. It is a problem for most students who lose their grades because they cannot craft a perfect conclusion. Sometimes, they have no space for a good conclusion. Some other times, students cannot summarize and wrap up the argument while also considering its implications for research and practice. The main lesson you should learn from our extended essay guide is that a good conclusion will never introduce any novel ideas. It will simply reiterate the information and claims made in the body of the academic paper. You may ask probing questions or leave some space for elaboration so that your readers have an incentive to continue this discussion in other contexts.
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You can never write a perfect paper if you do not include references. In other words, you will need to credit every author you choose to cite in the body of your paper. It is critical for any student to collect and use evidence to support claims, theses, and conclusions. Proper referencing guarantees that your paper will not be plagiarized. If you have any difficulty referencing and formatting your paper, our essay writing online guide will help. You can also find relevant recommendations online, depending on the style and principles you choose to use.
Style of Writing
No matter what referencing style or formatting requirements you must follow, you may still consider our general recommendations for formatting and referencing your paper. Your paper will be double-spaced, written in 12-point Arial or Times New Roman. If you are writing a research paper, you must present your argument using third-person perspectives. First-person pronouns should not be used!
Finalizing Your Paper
Once you are done with the initial draft of your paper, you will need to review and finalize it. Firstly, you must check your paper for errors. There should be none in your essay! You will also have to read and reread your paper several times to make sure that it flows smoothly and does not confuse your reader. Do not submit a paper until it is edited and proofread. You will lose your marks if you fail to write a perfect paper.
You will have to be very thorough in writing your paper around the core topic or argument. All papers are different, but your main task is to meet the requirements provided by your professor. Check each and every word of these instructions and ask questions if don’t understand anything. Your professor will deduct your grade points if you fail to comply with the original instructions.
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