Asset Building Network (ABN), a recognized non-profit organization based in Houston, is requesting funding for further expansion of the existent Transition in Place (TIP) program. The program would begin in January 2016, after which its operations will continue for one year. The evaluation will take place at both the intermediate and final points of the program. Through the provision of new housing units, the program seeks to remove homeless veterans from the streets of Houston and enable to improve their lives. The program seeks to improve their living standards, offer a chance for re-integration with the community, and enhance their ability to secure employment. Based on an analysis of Houston, of anticipated costs, objectives, and methods; ABN projects that a grant of $ 673,350 would be sufficient to fund the expansion phase of the TIP Program.
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Statement of Need
Every year, more than 3,000 veterans return to Houston to join the 300,000 veterans living there (City of Houston, 2015). The US is facing difficulties as it relates to homeless veterans, as unemployment becomes a reality and more people return from war. Since 2009, there have been concerted efforts to reduce the number of homeless veterans in the country. Although statistics indicate a decrease in homelessness numbers, the situation is still significant and demands intervention. Based on the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (2014), there are an estimated 49,933 homeless veterans in the United States on any given night. Among these, approximately 3,300 are living in Houston.
Further statistics indicate that about 5-10% of the Houston homeless veteran population is comprised of women (City of Houston, 2015). The implication is that there is a high-risk population within an already vulnerable group living in the streets. Returning from war comes with several shortcomings on the part of the veterans, which makes them more susceptible to homelessness. These factors include the shortage in affordable housing, lack of support from family and friends, substances abuse and mental health conditions (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 2015). While efforts exist to prevent these factors from dominating the lives of the veterans, the core efforts seek to restore their dignity by providing places to call home.
Our organization, Asset Building Network (ABN), is currently engaged in several programs aimed at increasing the self-sufficiency of individuals. ABN connects individuals living in southwest Houston with the resources they need to survive. Some of the services that are currently part of ABN’s programs include case management, counseling, education, employment/ job skills training, financial assistance, and referral services. The organization also has a Transition-In-Place (TIP) program, which handles issues relating to homeless veterans. The TIP is a six (6) to twelve (12) month program. The main goal of the program is to provide services to homeless veterans, including intensive case management services, group therapy, and housing stability. Within the time of the program, the expectation is that the homeless person has stabilized sufficiently enough to find employment and handle their own housing situation.
Recent changes in the Houston area have prompted the need for ABN to seek further reach in their activities. First Lady Michelle Obama issued the Mayors’ Challenge to End Homelessness, which Annise Parker, the mayor of Houston, accepted in 2014 (City of Houston, 2015). This challenge saw the city embark on a project to create a system that will overcome this issue by the end of 2014. Despite the efforts by the city, various setbacks have emerged such as Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and Labor secretaries regarding this goal as unachievable (Shane, 2015). Even though Houston has established a comprehensive system, there still remain large numbers of homeless veterans in the city.
As Houston has yet to accomplish the functional zero that areas like Phoenix have reported, ABN would like to expand the TIP program to at least help additional twenty-five veterans in Houston’s southeast area. In order to assist twenty-five, more veterans ABN must obtain an additional twenty-five housing units. The increase in housing units will help one hundred veterans if they complete the program within six months because it allows the program to take in veterans twice a year.
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For those veterans that continue to live on the streets of Houston, their fight for the American dream remains unaccomplished. They have lost their national pride, and ABN has an obligation to society to restore this state. Once the veterans complete the successfully ABN program, they will regain their sense of pride as tax-paying citizens. Your assistance is greatly appreciated, which we will continue to serve the men and women that have served our country to protect our freedom.
Proposed Solution
The Transition in Place Program is an ongoing program that seeks to address issues related to the homeless veterans within Houston’s society. The program uses a temporary housing model, where homeless families can obtain a proper settlement within the Houston community. Even though previous projects under this program have focused on various vulnerable groups, it seeks to direct efforts towards the homeless veterans in the city.
As such, the goal of the program is not the more commonly sought group living setting that is easier to establish, but rather to settle homeless veterans in single units each, enabling them to seek alternative means of living within a year of receiving services. The program contemplated adopting the permanent model, where veterans obtain houses under leases in their own name. However, the current financial limitations of the program cannot accomplish the demands of this model.
Consequently, the TIP program facilitates the elimination of the barriers to self-sufficiency for homeless veterans. It seeks to acquire 25 more units in which to house homeless veterans, implying the possibility of assisting an equal number in the next six months. The units require certain specifications, which imposes additional costs, such as:
1. Ensuring privacy for the resident by preventing unauthorized access to the unit
2. The presence of sanitary facilities in the unit
3. The presence of basic furnishings for the resident, such as chairs, tables, and a bed
4. Available space and necessary equipment for use by the veterans, including cooking facilities
The units, therefore, will ensure that the veteran can use the resident to transition into normal living. With the new units, 25 more homeless veterans can establish themselves and look for employment or alternative sources of income. Within the allocated time of the grant, the TIP support services can transition from provision of support with the assumption of their being capable of living unassisted.
Goals and Objectives
The TIP program is committed not only to finding new homes for homeless veterans in Houston, but also to seeing them resume normal lives. Among the homeless people in Houston, the veterans represent a special group that is affected by combination factors preventing them from having stability. In this regard, the program commits to recognizing their needs and addressing each of them in the effort to elevate their quality of life. The group presents a high-risk segment among homeless people, especially due to their susceptibility to mental disorders like PTSD. The nature of their former service also limits their ability to blend into group home settings, thereby making them a priority.
As part of the former programs under the TIP, the organization has achieved a 100% transition of all participants involved. The programs have involved the youth, homeless elderly people, as well as middle-aged people with families. The TIP programs maintain the objective of not only transforming living conditions temporarily but also ensuring the capability of the individual to maintain good living in the future.
As such, the program has specific objectives as part of the overall goal:
1. Providing up-to-standard housing units for 25 homeless veterans in the Houston community within the next one month
2. Providing basic living facilities for the settled veterans within the period preceding the resettling
3. Ensuring 100% transition of the 25 selected individuals under the TIP within the next 12 months to a position where they can maintain their own lease or rent
4. Facilitating the achievement of gainful employment, through collaborations with other organizations and the community, for at least 50% of the participants within the next 9 months
5. Working towards unifying the participants with their families in the period that the program covers
6. Treating psychological and psychiatric problems among the participants through the implementation of continued counseling and therapy sessions over the next six months
The objective of the organization is to achieve these goals for every program. The focus of this program is specifically on housing for veterans that meets the set standards, but it must also meet the other objectives that reflect the values of the organization.
The TIP program will implement a variety of methods that have already been tested in the previous phases of the program. The combination has been proven to accomplish the best outcomes, both for the entire society and individual veterans. Therefore, the main methods will include unit placement, group and individual counseling, and employment and job skills training.
Unit placement involves allocating the acquired housing units to the identified veterans. This is the core method of the program, as it fulfills the integral goal. It involves acquiring 25 additional units, stocking them with all necessary household items, and assist the homeless with moving into the units. Additional activities around this method include repair and maintenance, as well as the provision of property insurance. With this method, we can effectively reduce the number of veterans living on the streets of Houston by 25.
Group and individual counseling form another method under the program. Counseling is necessitated by the possibility of some veterans having PTSD, as well as the likelihood of homeless people developing depression or anxiety. Counseling will initially take place on a weekly basis, gradually reducing according to the individual needs of the settled veterans. Group sessions, however, will persist on a weekly basis through the twelve months on this TIP phase. If the individual requires or desires further therapy after the program, ABN would make arrangements with local psychotherapists or offer referrals to the client.
The final component of our methods under TIP is the use of job skills training. The ultimate goal of the program is to facilitate the transition of the veteran to a position where they make sufficient income to sustain their lease. Therefore, the organization engages in a comprehensive process of job skills training, where experts help in reviewing possible job portfolios. The veterans also experience training in writing resumes, interviewing skills, soft life skills, and gaining much-needed work experience through manual jobs. The approach facilitates higher chances of securing jobs in the future. ABN also attempts to bring corporations into the picture, which can improve the chances of hiring for formerly homeless veterans.
Plan of Events/Activities with a Schedule
The plan for implementation of the program is contingent on the approval of this proposal. While the organization recognizes its intended approaches to the program, changes that may occur between now and the allocation date may influence the choice outcomes.
Regardless, the plan of events is already in motion. The first step was to conduct a needs analysis and compilation of data. Here, the organization already identified the population of homeless people that are war veterans. In response, the plan proceeded to locate suitable residence units that could be used to cater to the veterans. The initial analysis weighed between seeking areas with new housing production that could be pre-booked for the project. However, this idea was abandoned in favor of finding already-existing residences in different parts of the targeted Houston area. This approach will diminish the costs, as older housing is always cheaper, and facilitate veterans fitting in with the rest of society.
The current phase involves dual activities. As the proposal for the grant is being developed, ABN has embarked on identifying specific veterans that will be suitable for the identified areas. The approach is taking into account various demographic characteristics, including race, gender, age, and the years the veterans have been homeless. The current plan involves identifying 30 veterans, with the understanding that some of those identified may be reluctant to adopt the new lifestyle. Some of them may have preferences for group homes, due to fears regarding their settling into mainstream society.
Upon acquisition of the grant, the actual implementation of the process will begin. The program coordinators will set upon informing the identified participants about the plan to provide them with the alternate residence. The information process depends on the kind of veteran and their availability for briefings. For instance, ABN may use some of the common forums for veterans such as soup kitchens. However, the organization recognizes that not all homeless people go to these shelters. Therefore, intensive fieldwork is currently in progress to identify common areas in parks and streets where they sleep. At the same time, efforts to pay for the housing lease and furnish the houses will be in process. The expectation is that most of the units will be empty, and acquisitions will require practical pricing.
Before the actual placement begins, the final list of homeless veterans chosen for the program will be reviewed. The participants will then receive counseling assistance, both from professionals and volunteers of the organization. The counseling is meant to enable their transition into normal life and address any fears they may have on the process. Following the counseling, they will receive further information regarding the nature of the transition in place program. While the initial information phase created general knowledge, this stage will be more detailed to avoid potential misunderstanding. The veterans will also get a chance to ask questions regarding the experience and listen to testimonials from previously homeless people who have benefited from the program.
Table 1: Schedule of Events
Event | Time |
Needs analysis | 21st August 2015- 30th September 2015 |
Identification of Units | 30th Sept- 20th November |
Identification of Prospect Veterans | 22nd November |
Information and Counseling of participants | 13th December |
Purchase of Household Items | 13th December 2015 |
Initial placement | 2nd January 2016 |
Commencement of Job Readiness Workshops | 13th March 2016 |
Evaluation of Six-Month progress | 4th June 2016 |
Evaluation of annual progress | 19th December 2016 |
Program transition | 2nd January 2016 |
Once the placement commences, the household items will already be available. While on the service it might seem better to purchase items according to individual needs, this would be impractical. Instead, the organization will operate on an equal approach for each homeless person. Consequently, people will find all items in place against settling and waiting for their arrival for use. It is important to note that the organization limits the range of items that are compulsory within the units. For instance, a proper cooking stove will be provided and purchasing items such as microwave ovens cannot serve as a substitute.
Program evaluation will take place on a six-month basis. In the span of these six months, the organization will collaborate with other groups handling veteran affairs to enable achieving targeted outcomes. These outcomes range from assisting the settled veterans to gain employment or re-establishing relationships with their families. The program will also have a constant counseling session for each of the veterans on a weekly basis to assess their progress. Once the program is evaluated at the end of the year, the transition should be considered complete. It is expected that at this point the veterans will have achieved their own means of living and capable of holding their own lease costs.
Participants of the Project
The program participants vary, including those from the community perspective and organizations that will facilitate the transition. As such, the program targets the homeless veterans, their families, equipment suppliers, homeowners or their agents, and the local government. A crucial part of the participation is the formerly homeless veterans that have been settled through the Transition in Place program.
While many of the homeless veterans sleep alone on the streets, many have families in Houston. The situation tends to be complicated, where their families may have cut with them or the veterans are unstable and fail to maintain the relationship. Consequently, in some situations finding homes for the veterans could be boosted with the help of their families by involving them in the efforts to reintegrate the homeless into normal living. If the families are willing and if the homeless veteran provides consent, they can facilitate some of the processes that follow the placement such as finding the veterans some employment. Further, some of the family members are involved in group therapy sessions for homeless veterans. Their involvement would enhance the reintegration process, where both parties can raise their fears or concerns regarding the new living arrangements.
Transition in Place, due to the limited funding that the program implements, requires maintaining equipment purchases at the lowest price available. Therefore, ABN calls for tenders from suppliers that can supply the equipment to be used in homes. The organization has maintained one supplier for the course of this year, as their pricing has been consistently favorable. However, should the call for tenders under this program produce a better price for the same or better quality, ABN has no obligation to its suppliers and would be free to change. This type of operation is crucial to ensure we control our cost drivers and provide efficient service.
The agents in residential real-estate also play a crucial role in this project through their provision of information on suitable units for placement. Decisions regarding new housing units against using existing residential areas are achieved in consultation with these housing experts. They have internal knowledge of the housing market, and their assistance has been fundamental in previous phases. Finally, the participation of the mayor’s office in the Transition in Place program plays a fundamental role. ABN cannot resettle veterans without the approval of the city council. Further, the resettled people require registration in order to be eligible for government services. Therefore, the program requires constantly updating the office and ensuring that the standards of residence meet the requirements of HUD.
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From an internal perspective, the program draws on the participation of formerly homeless veterans that have succeeded from the TIP program in Houston. The veterans will act in a mentorship capacity, guiding the current veterans through shared experiences. Further, some of the formerly homeless veterans have taken up jobs that relate to the housing such as plumbing and woodwork. Their presence will facilitate repair and maintenance of units, strictly on a voluntary basis. They can also enable the job skills training process for the current group of veterans. Their participation will be through the course of the entire program until the current groups have successfully transitioned to the independent phase.
Project Beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of the project take the direct and indirect form. The direct beneficiaries are the 25 veterans that are living on the streets currently and will gain housing through the new units. Having a proper house will not only reduces their susceptibility to catching illnesses through exposure to natural elements but also puts them in a position to seek formal employment. The provision of housing also improves their moral dignity, enabling their capability to resume normal life interactions and excel. The veterans can resume living with their families if they wish, either choosing to seek new residence or sign the leases for the acquired units.
Regardless, the families of the homeless veterans would also beneficiaries of this program. Most of the veterans are separated from their families, some of whom include children and spouses. The majority of current veterans are still in their early 20s, suggesting the possibility of alienation from their parents. While the veterans’ families may have homes, the mental state of the veteran limits their capability to live normal lives with their families. In this regard, the families not only gain from easy access to the veterans but also the possibility of normal interaction. Testimonials from the previous TIP program indicate the veterans gaining the ability to establish normal lives and seek careers. For the children of veterans, this is a major gain, as they no longer have to survive on welfare or live without one or both parents.
The entire Houston community also is a beneficiary of this program. Settling the homeless veterans is part of fulfilling the Mayor’s Challenge, towards eliminating veteran homelessness altogether. As such, 25 fewer veterans will be a major step towards this goal. In this regard, the Houston community will not only be able to concentrate on other homeless people, but also achieve a general sense of achievement. Furthermore, having homeless veterans indicates a loss of national pride and the vision of the American dream. The resettlement will enable recapturing this dream for Houston. In addition, the previously homeless veterans will be able to gain employment and contribute to taxes to the city.
From a more critical perspective, fewer homeless veterans will make people feel safer in the streets and parks. While not all homeless people are a threat to security, some people fear for their safety due to the dangers that some homeless people pose. The community of Houston, therefore, will experience improvement in its quality of living.
Project Evaluation
Effective program evaluation will involve defining the areas of success, as well as those that require improvement in the future. Evaluating the TIP program will focus on four areas. These areas include cost-effectiveness, productivity, quality assurance, and client outcomes.
The evaluation of the program relies primarily on the objectives it defines. Deviations from the objectives function as the basic indicators of performance, thereby enabling quick analysis. However, the organization will require asking some questions, and the resulting answers will form the evaluation outcomes.
1. Was the program able to offer its intended services? Was the correct target recipient reached?
This question focuses on the issue of productivity. Being a service organization, the productivity of ABN can only be assessed through its delivery of intended services. The services must also reach the target recipient; otherwise, they will not have served their intended purpose. Consequently, the organization maintains data on the clients sought for participation, and the kind of service they would receive. The logs from the purchases of equipment as well as the leases will also enable elaborating this evaluation outcome. Further, the progress from the counseling sessions as well as the current position of the beneficiaries will form important data for product evaluation. The analysis of job skills training and the rate of transitioning into employment will also enable evaluating the productivity of this program.
2. Did we distribute costs as originally planned? How far did we deviate from the anticipated costs?
The analysis of cost-effectiveness will require focusing on various cost drivers. For instance, the costs of equipment and leasing may vary, but they should not deviate too much from the targeted points. Further, the data should identify the various cost drivers and how well they were manipulated to limit costs within the projected range. The evaluation in this perspective will also seek to ensure that projected costs are sufficient in the first place to cover the costs of the anticipated project. Therefore, the finance and accounting department will be required to compare projected costs for the program against the costs it will have actually incurred at the end of the 12 months.
3. Did we meet the anticipated quality of outcomes? Is our level higher than the quality of previous programs or has it remained consistent?
This question is the basis for the evaluation of quality. While providing housing is the core purpose of the program, we also seek to improve the quality of life. Therefore, it remains important to assess whether the houses are up to standard and suitable for good living. For instance, features like leaky or moist walls or placing the clients in unsafe neighborhoods fail to meet quality assurance standards. In addition, evaluating quality requires incorporating the items in the houses. The facilities must feature furniture and cooking items, as well as basic appliances like a refrigerator. The absence of some components demonstrates that the quality of the service was compromised.
4. What were the client outcomes? What does the community see as a positive change in the beneficiary? What does the client think of the program?
This is the most important aspect of the evaluation, as it focuses on the beneficiaries of the program. Here, the organization will seek to collect data on the client outcomes from both the direct and indirect beneficiaries. The issue of questionnaires to the clients during the course of the program will seek to assess their progress within 6 and 12 months. In addition, if both parties are in agreement, the families of the veteran will receive invitations to forums where they can discuss changes that they have observed in the course of the program. Further, the organization will assess the number of veterans with paying jobs and their relationships with their families. This number will be compared to the initial target. The data from these sources, as well as possible feedback from government assessments, will form the basis for client outcomes evaluation.
At the end of the 12th month, the case manager will collect all the data related to the program. The analysis of various components will be put together in a report, which will then be distributed to various stakeholders of the program.
Qualifications of Personnel
The program employs the services of various people. However, there are people that are considered key to the implementation of the program. These include the case manager, the program coordinator, and the counselors.
Case Manager: Ms. Glory Udoh
The case manager doubles as the project administrator. She will be responsible for the administration of the grant-funded project. Ms. Udoh is the founder of the ABN and the current CEO of the organization. Her strong Christian beliefs have guided her towards the recognition that the human race is full of people that need help. With numerous experiences in various programs of this nature, both in the USA and Africa, her expertise will be sufficient to fulfill the administrative requirements of the position. Further, Ms. Udah has served in the City of Houston Health and Human Services Department, as well as the Harris County Public Health and Environmental Services. Her constant roles in the organization include grant and operations development, finance, and direct services delivery to the needy. The organization regards her as a ray of sunshine, as every project she has overseen has been successful.
Program Coordinator
The organization will conduct a search within Houston for a suitable program coordinator. This search will be for an individual that can execute the following responsibilities:
· Assist the Board of Governors in the fulfillment of the mission and the goals of the organization
· Analyze and report information in the characteristics of the target population of the organization’s activities
· Effectively implement the grant-funded project’s plan for implementation and anticipated events
· Draw up a detailed calendar of events surrounding the program
· Identify and recommend additional staff for the organization
· Promote the program through public forums
· Evaluate the effectiveness of the program and its respective community outreach efforts
As such, the program coordinator requires skills not only in human resource and social services but also capabilities in data analysis. The holder of this position will report directly to the case manager and the Board of Governors.
The position of ABN’s counselors is temporary, as they are usually hired according to the current program. As such, the organization is currently seeking a counselor who will handle the following responsibilities:
· Providing group counseling and individual sessions for the veterans that have been inducted into the TIP program
· Attending relevant meetings and conferences regarding the mental well-being of veterans
· Developing counseling curriculums that are relevant to traumatic experiences especially in the context of war
· Assisting in conducting a needs assessment among the veterans and the revision of these assessments in the course of the program
· Assisting in the intermediate and final program evaluation of outcomes
· Maintaining client and organizational records
· Facilitating coordination of counseling volunteers and mentorship activities under the TIP veterans program
The counselor will be required to have the following qualifications:
· Hold an advanced degree in psychology or equivalent
· Experience in counseling patients of trauma, and preferably experienced in handling war veterans
· Ability to work in a team context, as well as facilitate team activities as a leader
· Familiar with the agencies and organizations within Houston and the whole of Texas
The counselor will report to the program coordinator directly, as well as table reports to the case manager and the board of governors.
Preliminary Budget
Table 2: Anticipated Revenue Breakdown
Revenue ($) | Internal Funding (Available) | Donation from Individuals | Government Grants
(Available) |
Organizational Grants (anticipated) |
750,000 (anticipated) | 24,650 | 12,000 (projected) | 40,000 | 673,350 |
Table 3: Projected Expenses
Expenses | |
Personnel | |
Case Managers Salary | $37,500 |
Counselors Salary | $26,500 |
Program Coordinator Salary | $26,000 |
Total Personnel Expense | $90,000 |
Non- Personnel | |
25 New Apartment Units | $499,900 |
Housing/Job Readiness Workshop Materials | $5,600 |
Office Supplies | $4,100 |
Staff Travel | $2,925.10 |
Utilities for 6 months for 25 units (average unit will be allocated $200 per month for electric-$30,000; $60 per month for water-9,000; $75 per month for gas-$11,250) | $50,250 |
Other (maintenance and any other unexpected expenses) | $20,500 |
Total Non-personnel Expense | $580,604.90 |
Total Project Expense | $670,424.90 |
Budget Narrative
Revenue -$750,000
ABN anticipates that, based on its publicizing its TIP expansion program and the experience from previous phases, the program will attract about $750,000 in funding. Most of the funding is expected to come from the approval of this proposal, while other shares may come from personal contributions and government assistance programs. The organization will also use some of its remaining funding from the previous project phases to facilitate parts of this expansion program.
1. Salary- Total $90,000.00
Case Manager currently plans the care of the veterans that are enrolled in the TIP program. As the CEO of the organization, they are entitled to a constant salary within specific time periods. The organization compensates its staff on an annual basis, enabling their salaries to be incorporated into current programs. This individual’s annual salary is $37,500.00 and will be covered for the 12 months of the contract.
The counselor will be 30% of their time providing counseling service to the veterans that are enrolled in the TIP program. The counselor is hired on a temporary basis, but they remain with the organization for the entirety of the program. As such, they are accorded salaries instead of wages or contractual payments. This individual will provide veterans with group therapy and one-on-one sessions if needed. Due to their high qualification, their annual salary will be $26,500.
Program Coordinator will spend 100% of their time providing direct service to veterans and ensure that they are enrolled in group therapy, job readiness class, and housing readiness workshop. Their dedication to the program is complete, and they are, therefore, compensated as permanent staff. This individual’s annual salary is and will be covered for the 12 months of the contract totaling $26,000.00.
Other Expenses
1. 25 New Apartment Units Total $499,900
Twenty-five apartment units will be purchased. As the idea is to enable the veterans to maintain their leases in the future, the organization prefers acquiring the units rather than renting apartments. The units will be used to provide homes to the 25 new veterans that enter in the TIP program.
1. Housing/Job Readiness Workshops Materials Total $5,600.00
Housing Readiness Supplies: to provide veterans with the supplies needed for housing readiness workshops. $ 114.84 x 25 veterans = $2,871.00. The workshops are necessary as they not only address issues related to normal household chores but also include handling visitor and familial interactions.
Job Readiness Supplies: to provide veterans with the supplies needed for job readiness workshops. Supplies will include resume paper, portfolio and job package. $109.16 x 25 veterans= $2,729.00
1. Office Supplies Total $4,100.00
Meeting Supplies: to provide staff with supplies needed for administrative meetings and workshops, etc. $95.00 x 12 months = $1,140.00
Office Supplies including file folders, binders, printer paper, staples, toner, etc. $246.66 per month x 12 months = $2,960.00. The cost of other office activities such as telephone and postage has been covered under a different arrangement in the organization’s overall accounting activities. This approach has reduced the expenditure on office supplies under this project.
1. Staff Travel Total: $2,925.10
The staff will have to travel around all around the Houston area to do site visits, attend meetings and training/conferences. The organization, therefore, has to reimburse all official staff movement. ABN reimbursement rate is $.57 per mile.
Program Coordinator 300 miles x .57 per mile = $171.00; Daily Subsistence $135.70 x 6 days= $814.20; Total $985.20
Counselor 200 miles x .57 =$114.00; Daily Subsistence $ 135.70 x 6 days= $814.20; Total $928.20
Case Manager 350 miles x .57= $199.50; Daily Subsistence $ 135.70 x 6 days=$814.20; Total $ 1,013.70
1. Utilities Total $50, 250.00
Monthly utilities cost is necessary for each housing unit occupied by a veteran. The utilities will be cover for the 6 months the veterans are in the program.
Electric: $200 per month x 25 veterans x 6 months =$30,000
Water: $60 per month x 25 veterans x 6 months = $9,000
Gas: $75 per month x 25 veterans x 6 months =$11,250
1. Other Total $20,000.00
Repairs/ Maintenance: $100 a month x 25 units x 6 months = $15,000.00
Liability/ Property Insurance: $33.33 a month x 25 units x 6 months = $ 5,000.00
Due to the nature of normal living, it is important that housing units undergo repair and maintenance. The organization has made arrangements to ensure the mentorship program volunteers can provide some of these services. Nevertheless, there are expenses that will be incurred. The cost of property insurance is also impossible to avoid at this point.
Combining all the expenses yield total expenses at $670,424.90. It is expected that, with anticipated total revenue of $750,000, the organization will effectively address these expenses in the course of the year. The margin between the revenue and the expenses will account for any changes in money value such as inflation or increases in the prices of individual commodities.
Total: $670,424.90
The current statistics in Houston prompt the TIP program seeking to reduce the population of homeless veterans. This approach is in accordance with the Mayor’s Challenge, which Houston is working hard to achieve by the end of the year. Previous phases of the program have demonstrated positive outcomes, setting levels that are desirable for the next project. Consequently, the program is working towards the achievement of specific objectives. These will feature providing up-to-standard housing units for 25 homeless veterans in the Houston community within the next one month; the provision of basic living facilities for the settled veterans within the period preceding the resettling; and ensuring 100% transition of the 25 selected individuals under the TIP within the next 12 months to a position where they can maintain their own lease or rent. Further objectives under the project will include facilitating achievement of gainful employment, through collaborations with other organizations and the community, for at least 50% of the participants within the next 9 months; and working towards the unification of the participants with their families in the period that the program covers. The final objective takes a personal perspective, focusing on reducing mental problems among the participants through the implementation of continued counseling and therapy sessions over the next six months.
The TIP expansion program will implement several methods, including the actual placement of veterans, personal and group therapy, and job skills training. Further, the progress of each method will be recorded to enable the analysis of logs for evaluation. The program’s initial revenue is anticipated to reach $750,000. The organization will draw upon funds from its previous phase of the TIP to facilitate this revenue, as well as contributions from the government and individuals. However, most of the funding is anticipated to come from the grant from Houston Endowment Inc. The total expenses for the program accumulate to $670,424.90. ABN feels that the request for a grant of $ 673,350 will be sufficient to fully finance the expansion phase.