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Respiratory Disorder Analysis

In order to analyze the pathophysiology of the disease, a presence of tissue damage and active period of infection should be observed. The disorder has a repetitive nature, which is why potential infection can be predicted. As for symptoms, the patient is reported to have a dry cough, a shortage of breath, a low-grade fever, and periodic pains in the heart. The progression trajectory is directed towards complications such as fever, loss of appetite, and the general weakness of the immune system. Evidently, the patient needs a pulmonary function testing in order to confirm the final diagnosis. Previous testing does not provide any information in that regard, which is why such type of diagnosis is especially pivotal. Eventually, the treatment of the disorder requires an initial prescription of bronchodilating medications, a sufficient supply of oxygen, and antibiotics intakes when necessary. In such a way, the patient has a distinct evidence of emphysema, but some implications on infection, lung tissue state, and cardio-vascular system should be investigated because their influence can potentially arise during the process of treatment. That is why the disorder and normal development should be differentiated.

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Disorder and Normal Development

The patient’s condition is characterized by a change in alveoli pressure and obstruction of lung tissues. These effects lead to obstacles to gas exchange, which causes breathing difficulties. In addition, shortage of breath is accompanied by a dry cough, since insufficient amounts of oxygen penetrate the respiratory system (Hodson & Sherrington, 2014). The absence of a sufficient gas exchange and pressure cause a low level of extracellular liquid transition, and a dry cough is a distinct sign of it. A potential infection facilitates these processes, and a limited capacity of breath negatively affects blood pumping. Consequently, heart pain is a possible adverse effect. On the contrary, a normal development is characterized by recovered lung tissues, adequate appetite, a normal breath rate, according to the gender and age standards, and a generally healthy state of the patient. The patient needs to undergo an intervention concerning her internal gas exchange in lungs, and the leverage of cellular electrical fields may be needed. Likewise, medication for the recovery of obstructed lung tissues is also important. It is essential to not only manage the effects of the disorder but also to eliminate its primary causes because the disorder has a repetitive character.

Physical and Physiological Demands

First, the patients breathing difficulty must be addressed, since she often wakes up in the night to sit in order to inhale more oxygen. This demand is vital because adverse consequences are likely to arise in case of no intervention. In addition, the patient experiences breathing difficulties during daily routine activities, which places a threatening limitation on the patients physical and physiological activities (Ospina et al., 2016). Moreover, inability of exercising active physical motion is also present because the patient starts having shortage of breath as soon as she moves excessively fast or makes physical efforts (Ospina et al., 2016). That is why the patient’s state requires constant or at least frequent presence in places with clean, fresh air and well-conditioned environments. Lack of oxygen and humidity are harmful to the patient, and she is recommended to avoid long presence in such conditions (Ospina et al., 2016). Provided that the patient’s dry cough is also caused by lack of extracellular liquids, it is necessary to pay attention to diet, because certain food should be excluded in that regard. However, these limitations can be not temporary, as relapse of the disorder is possible.

Key Concepts

The patient and her family should receive all the information related to the necessary regular medication intake. The importance of the appropriate and regular intake of medications does not have to be underestimated in this case, since the patient’s recovery heavily depends on the leverage of internal gas exchange, alveoli inflation leverage, and the supply of the respiratory system with oxygen. That is why the patient’s daughters need to actively participate in her treatment. The patient and her family need to be aware of the significance of the cleanness of the air within the patient’s apartment and its frequent conditioning. These requirements are necessary for the disorder management, and they should be followed even after the full recovery. Humid and unclean air may cause breathing difficulties (Hodson & Sherrington, 2014). Further, it is important to note that the patient is Caucasian, which means that her respiratory system is genetically vulnerable to polluted atmospheres and humid environments (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). In addition, the patient’s diet is a crucial factor, and her daughters have to manage this aspect. A regular supply of the patient with appropriate foods and control of their consumption should become the patient’s relatives duty.

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Interdisciplinary Teams

The pulmonary intervention team should attend to the patient first. Their intervention is needed owing to the fact that breathing difficulties and a dry cough are persistent, especially in terms of emphysema. The participation of a team dealing with infections is also required, since a potential rise of an infectious agent can be observed (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). Fever is a distinct reaction on the infection, and its identification is pivotal for the further management of the disorder. As a result of poor breath capacity, the cardiovascular system is affected as well. Hence, the involvement of a cardiologist may become an important consideration in an attempt to preserve the patient from having adverse side effects during the treatment and acute period of the disorder (Hodson & Sherrington, 2014). All these interventions should be aligned with the primary diagnosis. This aspect is a central objective in this case, while the rest of signs and processes are the outcomes of the primary disorder. It is essential to eliminate not only the effects but also the primary causes of the disorder, as a relapse is still possible.

Facilitators and Barriers

The following are the facilitators that improve the management of the disorder.

A clean air environment will evidently facilitate the process of treatment since the patient has considerable problems with breathing. Moreover, a mountain climate would be the most appropriate environment for the patient because of her ethnic identity.

A regular supply of oxygen via a frequent conditioning of the apartment and the usage of an inhaler are also pivotal.

The use of antibiotics when necessary will help to eliminate the active stage of infection and its subsequent transition within the patient’s organism.

The following issues may be the potential barriers to the process of treatment.

Humidity and unclean air would pose considerable obstacles to the disorder’s management and worsen the state of the patient.

The absence of the regular participation of the patient’s family, especially her daughters, in the treatment of the patient may drastically decrease the effectiveness of the treatment, as the patient needs regular care and control of medication intake. Likewise, socializing is crucial in this regard, because the patient feels lonely without the attention of her relatives and friends.

Potential allergic reactions on medications and other means of treatment may emerge. This factor may cause additional adverse effects.

Strategies of Overcoming Barriers

The overcoming of the enumerated barriers is manageable in this case, and the care plan should address this issue. Partial treatment in a resort area would be the most adequate decision concerning the cleanness of the air and potential waves of breath shortage. The patient is Caucasian, which is why a mountain resort is an important consideration in regards to her recovery and facilitation of the disorder management. To the same extent, a closer participation of both daughters in the treatment process will ease not only the physiological but also the social aspect of the disorder. The patient feels abandoned; consequently, the participation of her closest relatives will not only provide her with a better care but also establish a profound psychological support (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). Regular visits of a nurse are available in the patient’s area, and she can cover these expenses with her insurance, which she has not proactively used yet. Nevertheless, the care plan for the daughters and a nurse should be well-balanced because the patient needs both psychological and clinical assistance (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). Eventually, the patient’s congregation can become a supportive basis for her socializing and the exchange of thoughts about her state. The social perspective is increasingly important in this case, as the patient feels certain social isolation.

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Care Plan Synthesis

Comprehensive and Holistic Recognition

A comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder presupposes a complex approach that deploys multiple perspectives of treatment and heavily relies on the patient’s willingness to participate. Preliminary requirements for the disorder management are not included, as their compliance does not depend on the patient’s decision. First, an extensive use of homeopathy for a general recovery of lung tissues and the immune system is recommended (Hodson & Sherrington, 2014). Herbal-based treatment is especially useful for the Caucasian patient owing to her genetic peculiarities. In the same vein, aromatherapy can produce a positive impact on lung tissues and internal alveoli inflation (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). This is a purely holistic method because it not only addresses the primary objective of the disorder management but also leverages the immune and psychological state of the patient. In addition, breathing exercises are a requirement in this case (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). The patient may potentially undergo a much longer course of treatment; thus, she needs to be ready to cope with her breathing difficulties. Along with these holistic methods, a comprehensive medication treatment should take place as well (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). Amending the electrical field of lung cells via taking specific medications will leverage alveoli inflation and enable a better transition of extracellular liquids (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). Beyond a doubt, all these procedures should involve active participation of the patient’s daughters.

Socio-Cultural Background

The socio-cultural background is a pivotal element of the disorder management, and the patient has a sufficient access to cultural and social assets. First, her church community is quite large, and she can find friends within her congregation for social support and even partial care in any emergency situations (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). Moreover, her devotion to religion plays an important role in that regard, as the patient is able to share thoughts about her state. Still, the fact that her daughters live nearby is the most valuable social benefit for the patient, and her desire to involve them in her life to a more profound extent is natural. That is why they have to visit her more often, at least one time a week (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). Besides, the patient has a good culture of health, hygiene, and access to healthcare services (Donelan, DesRoches, Dittus, & Buerhaus, 2013). She enjoys visiting her doctor, and her willingness to undergo comprehensive and holistic treatment is expected.

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Evidence-Based Approach

In terms of the evidence-based approach, the patients breathing difficulties should be addressed by means of a specific medication treatment and access to clean air environments. It is obvious that the evidence-based approach is the main determinant of the patient’s treatment, as long as all decisions are based on her current state. Some additional recommendations can be applied in the event of unexpected pulmonary function testing results. However, a dry cough requires the patient to spend ample time in well-conditioned environments. In addition, the cough can be addressed with medication aimed at changing the electrical fields of lung cells and appropriate diet in order to regulate the transition of extracellular liquids. The evidence-based initiatives coincide with the preliminary recommendations for the disorder management because no other data are currently available for a meaningful investigation of the patient’s state (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). Eventually, a low-grade fever presupposes staying in bed and following the appropriate prescriptions of the nurse attending the patient. The use of antibiotics is not necessary in that regard because temporary evidence does not suggest any reasons for such type of intervention. The evidence-based approach is the most reliable way of managing the disorder at least within this period of medical intervention.

A Comprehensive and Tailored Approach

A comprehensive and tailored approach implies the need for mutually connected and adequately allocated procedures related to the disorder management. Consequently, emphysema should be addressed immediately. The bronchodilating medication treatment course and holistic-based procedures described above should be included as well (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). In addition, a certain part of the treatment course can be conducted at a mountain area resort in order to facilitate the treatment. As soon as any infection is identified, it should be eliminated with antibiotics, otherwise the primary treatment will be ineffective. The prescription of the antibiotics course has to consider the allergic reactions of the patient. In case the patient feels an improvement, especially with regard to heart pain, she may proceed on treatment at home (Nurmatov, Buckingham, Kendall, Sheikh, & Pinnok, 2012). Nonetheless, the use of medications for amending the electric field of lung cells may be needed for a complete leverage of alveoli inflation and pressure. What is more important, all these interventions are possible under the circumstances of clean air conditions, a humidity-free apartment, and a regular participation of the patient’s daughters in her care and social life. A proactive participation of the patient’s church congregation is also much-desired, especially in case the church is able to help her with the treatment at a mountain resort.

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