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A questionnaire will be used to research information that will become the basis for the marketing plan.

The questionnaire, a type of survey, is an effective research method for collecting data for a marketing plan (Luther 2001). The consulting team has designed a questionnaire that consists of extended and multiple-choice questions. Extended questions are applicable to situations where the interviewers do not have definite responses to questions at the time of collecting data (Hague, Hague & Morgan 2004). Some information is already available: according to the project brief, Parenting Playground Inc. utilizes its website to reach the local community. Persuading people to visit the website is an important part of online advertising (Westwood 2013). The consulting team has formulated some questions that will allow discovering ways to improve and expand website use for marketing.

The questionnaire is divided into three parts. Questions 1 – 10 will be answered by the company’s employees and management. Questions 11 – 20 are conceptualized to provide insight into current marketing strategies and will be answered by stakeholders, including organizations who participate in the research project. Questions 21 – 30 will be answered by parents and caregivers in the local community. Questions 31 – 33 are open-ended and will be answered by all respondents. The name and contact information of respondents, the date when the questionnaire was completed and the name of the interviewer will be collected.


Part 1. Employers and management (questions 1 – 10, 31 – 33)

1. How would you assess the importance of a marketing plan to your organization?

a. It is a very important stage of operations

b. It is somewhat important

c. It is not very important, time and budget are spent on achieving the organization’s goals

2. How did the evaluation of past marketing activities achieve the purpose of visibility in the community?

a. Evaluating marketing activities resulted in the significant promotion of the organization in the community

b. Evaluating marketing activities resulted in somewhat better promotion of the organization in the community

c. It did not improve the promotion of the organization

3. Were you successful in achieving the organization’s vision?

a. Yes, the vision of the organization and its achievement are our strengths

b. Yes, but the vision statement needs to be improved

c. There are substantial barriers to achieving the organization’s vision

4. What other organizations, associations, and companies should we work with to achieve our vision and goals?

a. Service providers whose values and vision are aligned with ours

b. Service providers who can contribute to investments in the organization

c. Corporate sponsors

d. Community organizations whose vision and goals are complementary to ours

5. What information is included in the marketing budget and is part of the marketing plan?

a. Investments in operations

b. Sponsorships and raised funds

c. Expenditures on marketing activities

6. How will you characterize the organization’s website?

a. It is easy to add information, find information, and contact the personnel

b. It has a modern look

c. It represents the brand of the organization

d. It represents our vision and goals

e. It has features to solicit interaction, particularly feedback from website users

7. What functionalities would you add to the organization’s website to enhance the visitors’ experience?

a. Online calendar of events

b. Extended search button

c. Free downloadable resources such as e-books

d. Other interactive functions such as adding comments and reviews

8. What elements of the website would you change to improve the experience of its visitors?

a. Sections with information for parents and care providers that respond to their needs

b. Sections with information for corporate partners that respond to sponsorship and partnership needs

c. Sections with information for service providers that describe opportunities to list on the website

9. What communication materials are available to achieve marketing goals?

a. Website

b. Social media pages

c. Blog

d. Brochures

e. Leaflets

f. Newsletter

10. Do you think the name “Parenting Playground” represents the organization and distinguishes it from the others?

a. yes

b. no

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Part 2. Project stakeholders (questions 11 – 20, 31 – 33)

11. How will you describe the vision statement of Parenting Playground Inc.?

a. Staff members understand and agree with the vision

b. It is consistent with the short-term and long-term orientation of the organization

c. It focuses on the urgent needs of the local community

d. It gives the organization a competitive advantage

12. What are the current attributes of the organization’s brand?

a. Set of colors that are used in communication materials

b. Logotype

c. Name

13. Which ones of these communication materials promote the vision statement, goals and plans with sponsors, potential partners, and the local community?

a. Printed materials such as brochures and catalogs

b. Online materials such as website, blog, and social media pages

c. Electronic materials such as e-newsletter and email

d. Events such as presentations, workshops, information sessions, and campaigns

14. How will you characterize the available communication materials?

a. Vision and goals can be understood from the materials

b. Materials have a professional look

c. Services of the organization are stated clearly in the communication materials

d. Partnership and sponsorship opportunities are described

e. The text in the materials, in addition to describing activities, contains calls to action

15. What website communication tools and tactics are utilized?

a. The website has search engine friendly text and images

b. The website has a modern look

c. The website can be easily updated by staff

d. The website offers search of service listings by interest, age of children, location

e. The website provides useful information, including tips and announcements

16. How will you describe the communication style of Parenting Playground Inc.?

a. Messages are consistent across all communication materials (online and printed materials have the same messages and calls to action)

b. Stakeholders receive communication materials targeted at their vision and needs

c. Stakeholders receive communications in a way that is preferred by them

d. Communications are professional: clearly written, regular, include brand elements

17. What marketing evaluation strategies and tactics are utilized by Parenting Playground Inc.?

a. Online surveys of website visitors

b. Surveys and interviews of employees and management of the organization

c. Surveys and interviews of service providers

d. Surveys and interviews with local community representatives

18. What strategies and tactics are utilized in marketing services for sponsors and partners?

a. Working with companies whose vision and activities are aligned with the vision of the organization

b. Inviting sponsors and partners to events

c. Providing sponsors and partners with reports about activities

d. Online communications that feature information about donors and sponsors

19. What strategies are utilized in marketing services for the local community?

a. Word of mouth, with incentives given to the people who promote the organization

b. Printed marketing materials: posters and leaflets

c. Online marketing materials: website and social media announcements

d. Providing the local community with reports about activities

e. Soliciting feedback about the organization’s services and sharing it with the community

20. What marketing goals are to be pursued by the marketing plan?

a. Evaluate existent strategies and devise new strategies

b. Improve the mix of strategies

c. Determine priority areas to allocate resources in order to reach goals

d. Other

Part 3. Parents, caregivers, local community representatives (questions 21 – 33)

21. How did you find out about Parenting Playground Inc.?

a. Word of mouth

b. Printed media

c. Online media

d. Other

22. How has your view of the organization changed since you first heard about it?

a. The view changed from neutral to positive

b. The view changed from neutral to negative

c. Other

23. What is most important to you in the matter of supporting your family?

a. Reliable support service

b. Community activities and programs for children and parents

c. Special events information

d. Other

24. Why do you use the information services of Parenting Playground Inc.?

a. The organization provides reliable and useful information

b. The organization provides opportunities to participate in events and connect with community

c. I support the vision of the organization

d. Other

25. Do you think the name “Parenting Playground” represents the organization and distinguish it from the others?

a. yes

b. no

26. How often do you visit the Parenting Playground’s website to utilize the organization’s services?

a. more than 1 time per month

b. less than 1 time per month

c. have not yet visited the website

27. How will you characterize the organization’s communications on the website?

a. They are easy to understand and provide access to all the necessary information

b. They give insightful details about service providers such as contact information, description, and reviews

c. They provide amusing and entertaining information

d. They are of professional quality but could be improved

28. How will you characterize the special events held by the organization?

a. They allow to network and meet people from service organizations

b. They address important topics and issues

c. They are fun and interesting

d. They are well organized but could be improved

29. How do you prefer to learn about new services and activities of the organization?

a. Newsletter

b. Printed materials (brochures etc.)

c. Website

d. Email

e. Other

30. Do you use similar services of other community organizations?

a. Yes,

b. No

31. In your view, what activities will help Parenting Playground Inc. reach families and improve the popularity of the brand/ organization in South Australia?

32. In your view, what activities will help Parenting Playground Inc. reach private service providers that will be interested in listing their information on the Parenting Playground website?

33. In your view, what activities will help Parenting Playground Inc. reach corporate partners and sponsors?

Additional information

Name and contact information of respondent: ____________

Date when questionnaire was taken: __________

Name of interviewer: __________

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