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Review and Critique of Intellectual Property

The basic purpose for copyright and patents was to promote practical and artistic creative work by giving a monopoly for a short-term specific uses of the work. This monopoly was granted by the government to individuals or organizations. However, the power of the government for this monopoly is unjust and corrupt. Hence, the largest owners…

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IT Proposal: Substituting Windows XP with Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Should CWE Use Same Computers as Those Used by Windows XP The Red Hat Enterprise Linux variant requires computer hardware to meet several conditions for a fully successful and operational installation. Some of these core requirements include a Random Access Memory (RAM) of 2GB minimum, a Hard Drive of 4GB as well as 2.0 USB…

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Business Strategy for Volkswagen Company Research Project

Abstract Volkswagen Company is a German-based corporation that assembles motorcycles, personal cars, business vehicles, and engines. In 2011 the company was the largest automobile manufacturer by output worldwide. The company also gives monetary and leasing services. Volkswagen owns 12 vehicle brands, such as Volkswagen, Porsche, Bentley, Audi, Skoda, Scania, Lamborghini, and motorcycle brand Ducati. The…

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Research Question Why is hacktivism often veiled with negative rhetoric and perception in spite of the world’s encouragement of individuals to make a difference and the celebration of political action together with the struggle to advance civil rights? Theoretical Position Hacktivism is the rebellious use of computer technology and networks to advance political or social…

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Cardiac Rehabilitation Research

Abstract Cardiac rehabilitation is essentially used to help patients come back to their normal life after they have undergone a cardiovascular treatment. There are times when long-term cardiac rehab is needed and this may be done in the home. The implementation of a long-term cardiac rehab program should be done with the needs of the…

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Human Nature and War

This paper explores a range of works by authors with polar views on the nature of people with regard to war, human nature theories, and cognitive theories. Reviewed publications embrace a period from 1963 to 2012. Nature scientists (Wilson, 1978; Lorenz, 1963; Ghiglieri, 2000) largely depend on evolutionary arguments in their explanations of innate violence…

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