Social Theories and Their Connection with Politics
Introduction Social theory can be defined as a scientifically substantiated explanation of the various phenomenon, the development of human civilization in particular. This section of philosophical and sociological studies is among the most fervently disputed and contested by both the scientific and the political communities. To be more precise, the followers and adherents of the…
Political Sciences: Religions in Japan and China
Religion is the faith in and the worship of a controlling superhuman power, which is mainly termed as gods or God. According to Beck, et al. (2006), religion is the attitude, complex experiences, emotions, ideas, rituals, texts, symbols, and convictions, which social beings and individuals express, live out, and identify their fundamental relationships with as…
EU Effect on the US Aviation
The impact of the European Union on the aviation industry of the United States began with the signing the Air Transport Agreement. This event took place on 30 March 2008. The Agreement is about the international aviation and its normalization. It explains the way and certain steps. With the help of the Agreement, European Union…
Women in Politics
During the last decades, the attitude towards the leading positions of women has become a challengeable and timely issue not only in various business spheres, but also in politics. Therefore, numerous scholars in their works focused their attention on this question. Among such pieces, Ann Wicks and Raylene Lang-Dion’s article “Women in Politics: Still Searching…
The Progressive Presidents
It is widely known that the presidential elections in 1912 can be labeled as the most progressive in the whole history of US. Three frontrunners: Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson were struggling to win, and, after all, Woodrow Wilson has become a president. Analyzing these elections, it is necessary to regard in more details the policy…