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The Birth of a Nation: Political Prospect

Abstract The paper examines a three-hour silent drama The Birth of a Nation written by David Wark Griffith. It had a huge impact on viewers. Despite numerous allegations of racist propaganda, several ones were able to reject the technical and artistic merits of the film. The question of research has been to trace the impact…

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Feminism in a Film Kill Bill by Quentin Tarantino

Feminism is one of the major forces shaping the social environment nowadays. It has transformed the previous sexist thinking about “being perceived to be good looking especially for men” (Hooks 31). Currently, women are perceived as personalities that can make independent decisions in the social and economic sphere. The present paper analyzes the film Kill…

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Atlas Shrugged: Management and OD Concept

The movie chosen for the research of organization development (OD) concept and management is Atlas Shrugged: Part I, which is based on the famous novel by Ayn Rand. The movie illustrates the major elements highlighted by the author in her book, specifically politics, economic relationships along with philosophy. What is more, not only the general…

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Review of the Movie A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash

Modern society is a dynamic system that develops under various circumstances and adjusts to opportunities by creating a strong and growing demand for resources. Presently, humanity undergoes a process of globalization. In this context, oil is the main means of globalization that has a great influence on humanity. It is argued that oil and its…

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Global Sustainability

How Can the Fresh Water Crisis as Demonstrated in the Film World Water Wars, Be Understood as Interconnected with the Social and Environmental Issues of Industrial Agriculture as Argued in the Film Called Food Inc? The current part of the work will provide the determination and description of interconnections between issues analyzed in two films…

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Casino: Farewell to the Past

According to most reviews, Casino is a picture which returned former popularity to Scorsese and De Niro. It became classics long before its appearance on the big screen and in distribution, thereby it contributed towards reviving the tradition of a thrilling gangster movie. Without doubt, the dramatic movie Casino, released in distribution in 1995, is still considered one…

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