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The U.S and Cuba after the Cuban Revolution

Cuba and the U.S. have always had a grudge against each other. The situation became even worse after Cuban Revolution which took place between December 2, 1956 and January 2, 1959, and due to which Fidel Castro came to power. The relationships between these two nations were not so rosy at all at that time….

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African Americans of the Harlem Renaissance

Introduction An era that started around 1919 and went on until the mid-1930s is termed the Harlem Renaissance. This era is mostly considered to have declined in the wake of the Great Depression. As a cultural movement, the Harlem Renaissance saw the introduction of the African American culture into the Northern, North Eastern, and Mid…

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Joseph Lee and the Playground Movement

Abstract The playground movement played a great role in American history and society. Due to this movement, recreation and leisure concepts completely changed. It was believed that due to recreation and play, children will be able to develop in a more effective and appropriate way. The paper describes Joseph Lee as one of the most…

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American Dream Trend Report

The question of the American Dream can be regarded from various perspectives, including sociological, cultural, conceptual, historical, and economic ones. The latter perspective has to be applied in order to measure the economic well-being through the study of wealth as being an indicator of the American Dream. Since the main argument of the report is…

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The History of Slavery and Its Impacts on Contemporary Society

Slavery is an indispensable chapter of world history – it was actively practiced all around the globe in such countries as Greece or Rome. Generally, slaves were used in a broad range of different spheres: agriculture, construction, culture (actors, painters), services (servants, cleaners, cooks), education (teachers, professors), and international relations (interpreters). Slaves were mostly acquired…

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Japanese Immigration to Hawaii

The history of Japanese migration to Hawaii has always been shrouded in folktales and myths. According to the Japanese, the first settlement arrived in the United States in the early 19th century. It was composed of a bunch of sailors whose ship drowned during a storm. The ship was known as Inawaka-Maru, which was claimed…

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