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The Myth of the Teen Brain

The article analyzes the teen’s mind, as to whether an incompletely developed mind will account for the emotional problems and irrational behaviors of a majority of teenagers. Numerous studies have been conducted on the brains activity, and anatomy of teenagers to prove this. However, these studies show that adults and teens will use their brain differently when performing certain tasks. There is clear evidence of unique features that exist in the brain of teens, but the author suggests that any causes of teen turmoils are caused by social influences rather than the features identified. The notion of the immature brain considered to be the cause of the teen problems that they experience is actually a myth. Studies reveal that teenagers are associated with many problems before the age of 18, especially in Europe. However, such kinds of problems are inevitable because the turmoil-generating problem is not universal in the developmental process (Epstein).

Imaging studies to the activity and anatomy of the brains reveal that adults and teens use their brain in a different manner and support the idea that an immature brain accounts for the teen behavioral and mood problems. The author argues that the differences are not the causes of teen problems but rather the culture, nutrition and the own behavior will affect the development of the brain. Studies show that teen turmoil is a result of cultural factors and not a result of the brain causes. Anthropologists go to the extent of revealing that teens in many cultures will experience the turmoil in whatsoever way and the problems of the teens begin after the introduction of western schooling, television, and movies. The authors further suggest that the teens have the potential of performing in exemplary ways, but adults will hold them back by infantilizing them through trapping them in the frivolous teenage cultural world (Epstein).

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I Do Not Feel Your Pain

The author of the article tries to explain and reveal why some individuals are more sensitive to pain than others. However, this could lead to better pain prevention, as well as a more accurate diagnosis. Children have many cuts, bruises, and scalds from exploring, but the pain does not restrict their activities. The article reveals that human beings differ greatly in their sensitivity to pain. However, their variation is apparently random. Gender matters on pain perception, as women tend to be hurt more than men do. Ethnicity may also interfere with the ache, as some ethnic groups have the ability to tolerate discomfort than others. Social, psychological, and cultural factors play a significant role in pain sensitivity. In the past years, researchers began unraveling the genetic causes and roots of such differences (Wickelgren).

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Objective indicators of harm to the body will often correspond poorly to perceive pain. What an individual says about pain will affect activities in the brain and the pain perception in the body. An individual’s verbal pain rating will predict the person’s extent to the vulnerability to chronic pain. The article reveals that sex hormones are contributing factors to gender differences and women’s perception of pain increases with increased estrogen levels, especially during menstruation. The other contributing factor is that male and female brains will register discomfort differently. Assessing how the patient is vulnerable to anguish may be accurate in judging the severity of a patient’s condition. It is also essential in determining ways of how to treat individual pain. The article suggests that by revealing the molecular causes of individual variation to pain perception will provide potential targets for pain curing medications (Wickelgren).

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How Dads Develop

The article explains how dads develop. When men morph into fathers, they will normally experience a moral revival that will be of benefit to their children. Early experiences are very important and crucial for babies’ health. Normally, after the first days of babies’ birth, their brains act like sponges, as they soak up the sensory environment. In the early days after the child’s birth, changes will occur in the brain for both the baby and the dad. When the father is around, the father will gain a cognitive edge by virtue of tending to the child. The intangible effects and links to fatherhood are not felt and appear insignificant to the connection between a mother and her child. Hormonal effects during pregnancy and breastfeeding bring a bond between a baby and her/ his mother (Mossop).

A father has less obvious effects on the child, but the father-child bond is very crucial. If the dad will leave the child to be raised only by the father then later on in, the child will suffer from addiction, as well as aggressive and emotional troubles. Brains of both parents will adapt to recognize the sounds that are critical to the baby’s survival and comfort. Research conducted shows that the baby can reshape the father’s brain by developing something brand new to serve the relationship. The article reveals studies that make strong cases of hormones to be brokers of certain types of paternal behaviors. The brain of the father and that of the baby will benefit each other’s influence. A father develops supplemental neurons in the brain and will experience hormonal changes right after the child’s birth. The presence of the father is very important, as it will help it in the development of healthy behaviors later in its life (Mossop).

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